Is watching pornography wrong if so why?


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The truth is, every one of us has a conscience and therefore, you and I KNOW when we are doing wrong.  That's what your conscience is for.

It's absolutely wrong because not only is it a type of adultery, fornication and exploitation of someone else - another human being, but in addition, it is sexual immorality (you know this by your conscience, that's why you are asking the question because you really don't feel right viewing it do you (be honest with yourself).

The truth is it will drag you down to absolute degradation in the end, because Pornography is like every other vice, it is addictive to the one who is trapped in the Devil's grip.

Through the power of God's Holy Spirit, it is easy to say no and not look at these things in the first place.  It will be much harder to get out of the addiction once in because Satan never wants to let you go.

If you do ever get free, then it is often the case that you will be lured into something worse to replace it and you won't even notice either.

That's how dangerous these vices are.


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Not if it’s watched in moderation and doesn’t interfere with one’s life, like anything else that can become addictive. 

The Holy Shroud of Turin2021-03-19T09:25:18Z

The people most guilty in it are the actual porn actors and porn makers who make the stuff

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.“ Matthew 18:6

Jesus has the most anger at the people spreading it and making it. So yes it is wrong but you can be freed from it over time. 

Call Me Snake2021-03-19T09:17:43Z

I would say yes because porn actors are terrible people who don't deserve any money 

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