Are you a weirdo?

I am just a weirdo. :(


I must die in the wilderness alone.


Favorite Answer

Yes and have been called weird on many occasions. Being weird is cool. Don't die.

Simple Minded Dummy2021-03-19T11:36:16Z

Simple answer. Yes


most definitely

i want to die on mars, with no one else around, no one else knowing what happened to me, just me, alone and forgotten.. how epically tragic would that be

Green Puffin2021-03-19T09:34:48Z

Yes, most definately, according to my square family members, I'm a weirdo, cos' I've never owned a car or learnt to drive one, didn't change my surname when I married, gave our kids both our last names, just didn't do everything in the order that square people live by!  I love re writing family traditions and if being called a 'weirdo' is part of being a bit different, then hey why not.  Being different or weird is far more fun than just being the same as everyone else.

Intrinsic Random Event2021-03-19T09:23:41Z

I think I am a weirdo. I can tell from the expressions on people's faces when I say things. That, and the underpants on my head.
I am many things, "weirdo" is probably the most prominent thing.