Are you mad and envious that I will die in July and be free?



My family just like everyone else in universe hate my guts and want me dead! :'(

Mismatched Tube Socks2021-03-19T14:39:08Z

Favorite Answer

If you've got a ticket off of this giant gutter floating through the Milky Way, you are one of the lucky ones.
I suppose there is a twinge of jealousy within me.
Perhaps we can meet at Café Lou in Gretchen Town, New Betel.
I'm buying.


No. I'm not.

I've tried to dehydrate myself into nothing before and I hated the feeling of it so much I obviously bailed.  So no, I'm not envious of your approach. 


A little yea....

Humanity has become difficult to bear for many people including myself.


This is the first I've heard of it. I'll have to analyze and process this information.
But so far no anger or envy. Hope you live long and prosper.


You will not die in July, in Jesus' name.

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