Did you know this my final Y!A question ever!?

I have probably asked over 30,000 questions in my 14 year career! I have reached the end though. This place no longer fun for me. Someone stripped me of all happiness and peace in life. They replaced it fear and crippling depression. So I must give this place up as well like so many other things! It's okay though I only have 2 weeks left anyway! :D


Favorite Answer



Whatever you do, killing yourself is the cowardly way, you have to face your fears, and never give up, you don’t know what God has in store for you.
Travel and see the world,
And experience new cultures, places and people.
Change of scenery and change from the routine.
Get a new hubby or experience, stop destructive thinking, think positive.


If you have asked over 30,000 questions in 14 years how is it you are only a level 3 with 1321 points?


YA isn't a career dear


I feel like I have seen this before.