How do I make Facebook pay me back $4?

Retailer Name: FACEBK *V8K97Z2H42 (re: money issue)

What happened: I promoted about 5 posts and I "paused" the promotions after about a day to budget. Instead of $6, the dollar was already rounded up to the set $10 after the "pending" as I checked my Visa gift card balance.


Favorite Answer

You are an ENTITLED person if you think you deserve to be refunded on a gift card. Can you stop and think why this wouldn't be allowed? All of the political misinformation and people trying to pull people into trafficking and stuff? If you don't like it then get a reloadable card like CashApp or NetSpend or something, but don't do something shady and think people are going to sympathize, a career criminal wouldn't have the mindset of what you're saying.


Petty, petty, petty.  Over a measly $4.