Song you hate and why?

I never heard a song and actually thought it was a 'bad song' but i know there are people who actually really dislike songs. are there any songs that you actually can't stand, not just "not my cup of tea" kind of dislike? and not because of the lyrics or voice, I mean because of the actual song. please provide links to the song and why you don't like it, if you have a reason. thank you!


That "Okey Kokey" song.


Dance Monkey... sounds like she’s having a seizure lol

Texas Doll2021-03-26T18:13:56Z

“Do you ever feel like a Plastic Bag floating in the wind...” whatever the title is lol.
I hate plastic bags and this just pisses me off. This next part is a giant joke (so spare me any future psycho liberal “‘go-green rants or attacks lol..)
But- Hearing this opener-line, wrk quite honestly only directly makes me want to liter. 
Like, right out my Audi suv moon-roof window. Or- just simply let go of any and all crumby static plastic crap bags the second I am done with using them. Like straight up on the street like totally environmentally unconsciously and unannoyingly, literally, Straight up- Liter. 
 Literally, just hold them up for the wind to take into flight, somewhere far far away from me. Boo-bye, see ya next wind blown trip around (hopefully not). I wish paper products were all there was. I hate plastic bags so much I want to start a anti-plastic baggage movement to rid them from our world. Like they are totally unsafe right? Totally.

Dear baby Jesus Katy Perry you are so hot and what not but don’t start off a song with such an annoying sentence.
The answer is “no” miss Perry poo.....
No, I don’t see like a plastic bag and if I See you I will make sure and gift you any and all plastic related items so you that you may hopefully gather them all together and make like a DIY plastic para hire portal of some sort. Float on Katie/Katy (idk).


sleep slope slap she can thrive
have fun outside but dont get frauds


A lot of pop songs these days. They just sound like songs that play in the mall over and over again to me. I feel like songs these days are getting worse but there are a few artists that aren't bad

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