Christians, do moons travel through blackholes?


No, they do not.


As far as we know
there is nothing that travels THROUGH a black hole.

However, there used to be a physics theory
concerning wormholes
being theoretically possible
in the case of a donut-shaped black hole.

By passing exactly through the center of said black donut hole
one would appear instantly in another part of the Universe.

As far as we know
there is no such thing
as a naturally-occurring donut-shaped black hole.


Not more than once. 


A moon cannot travel through a black hole because when the moon enters the black hole an incremental phase transition will inject Hawking radiation into the quantum path and cause the moon to evaporate.

Hunter. ✞2021-03-24T00:39:34Z

A moon can be caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole, but I have no idea if it travels through one.

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