What's the Problem with Bikers?

All the biker videos on YouTube show bikers breaking all the traffic laws, showing they are a great danger to others and acting like violent thugs - flipping the bird, swearing, yelling, doing damage when they can.   Not one video shows any courtesy or consideration of others.  Not one.


 I have been riding motorcycles since 1953 there is Nothing wrong with Motorcyclists


in Australia we have a LOOK BIKE campaign Please use your eyes and stop Murdering us


You are watching YT. Not real life.  They won't give you the time of the day. Don't have the energy to do damage.(too much like work) On YT it is like being in a movie so they have to ACT THE PART.  Boring if they are like regular people.(which many are Stock Brokers, Doctors, Investment advisors, Warehousemen, Bankers, general laborers, City Mayors, dockside workers, TAXI drivers, truck drivers...none of them need to carry tools of the trade so all they carry is in their MELON...so most don't work in construction.


The Devil2021-03-27T21:12:36Z

One of the cleanest sidewalks in Oakland, Ca., is the one in front of the Hells Angels clubhouse. Don't think bikers are all monkeys because of a few on YouTube. You'll see more brotherhood among bikers than in the grocery store parking lot.


We dont have a Problem Most of the Problems we have is with car drivers who don't Look Bike and we don't break any laws


22 wheels over us. So says the coward who posts as ANONYMOUS. As for the other coward asking the question also as ANONYMOUS the videos you see are people who want attention. They are the exception not the rule. When was the last time he saw this type of activity in person? Never. If ya did see it then its most likely some 20 something kid on a sport bike acting stupid. The rest of us are just riding to get where we are going as safely as possible so we dont end up dead. 

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