What happens if your roomate moves out and you cannot afford the rent on your income alone?

R P2021-03-24T09:43:48Z

Favorite Answer

Either you find another roommate who meets your landlord's requirements  for residency.

Or, you and your now-former roommate pay to terminate the lease early. That fee is typically equivalent to two months' rent.


If you signed a joint rental contract then each tenant is 100% legally liable for 100% of the rent regardless if one moves out, if you signed a single contract each then each tenant is legally liable for their rent only, not the other persons...

Elaine M2021-03-24T13:43:42Z

You get another roommate or you move out.


Nothing "happens".  The lease doesn't just vanish.  You still owe the rent according to the lease.  If you have a contract with the roommate who moved out - mid lease, then sue him for his portion.