Are you going to Jesus Himself when you read the scriptures? For help?


If any Christians answers this or do not want to mock I will stump you on the answer that you give me with scripture if you answer with the answer that you give the answer I'm looking for.


Perfect the answer I was looking for. Now read John Chapter 5 verse 39-40.  And the scriptures you just gave are not Jesus Himself but speak of Him being the Word and not being the bible.


No, you are reading a book of primitive myths and fables.


I Made Jesus get an electric lawn mower so i could study gods' word and hear the voices in my head when Jesus mowed 


Yes.  The Bible is God's Word.  Look up John 1:1 and John 1:14. 


bruh he dead


You'll have to explain how one Jesuses himself first.

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