Do you believe that everything that scientists have come up with has been proven wrong except for the parts about the bible?

You know what they call science? It has all been proven wrong and had to be changed except the parts about the bible and how the bible says that the heavens and earth has been made by God. Source talk to David at your Service. And the parts that still are not from the bible are still being proved wrong.


all religions are false


It's totally amazing how people just can't understand that all this scientific knowledge that they call technology it's a demon art the very word technology is derived from the study of the demon god technos!

Sutek Anubis asmodeus they're all the same.

Mankind has become experts at following the advice of a demon god! And even though people know for a fact that most of their technology is named after demon gods they still run after it 

David at Your Service2021-03-25T23:12:10Z

I never said anything like that.  As a mechanical engineer, I make my living from science, and have a great love for it.

But because of my great love for and study of science, I know better than most when I'm being hoodwinked by what some call "science" (when in fact it's pseudoscience).

I'll give you an example.  Back in the 1980s, Time magazine had an article about some coastal land along the Indian subcontinent that had been rapidly overtaken by water by several feet.  The article went on to say that this proved that sea levels were rising globally.

I wrote to the editor explaining why the word "level" is used in the term "sea level", and that there's no way the sea level could be rising in one location if it wasn't rising in all locations equally.  Then I asked if anyone at the company had considered the possibility that the land in that area was subsiding.  I heard nothing back, and the editor didn't post my comment later along with other comments on other articles.  They were content to let everyone be misled by their article.  Because most people, especially your athee-evo types, are rarely in the least bit skeptical when it comes to mainstream science, there was no uproar or complaint about a major news outlet tricking people.

If an astrophysicist is wrong about something in space, what happens to them?  Nothing.  But if an engineer is wrong about something when it comes to his use of science, people can die.  Engineers have a lot greater incentive to know the difference between good science and pseudoscience.


yes sir buddy . Brilliant pastor you listen to . I've heard them do worse so hang on to that one - he's  a keeper . 

Pirate AM™2021-03-25T22:44:25Z

Looking at the evidence and what it shows, you are so wrong that it is not even funny. Granted, the Qur'an makes the Bible look like a treasure trove of knowledge, but compared to what we know through science both are nothing more than myths.

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