Is simple belief in Jesus enough to be saved?


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Commitment is said to be.  I used to know someone whose Christian friends described him as a "believer", meaning that he accepted the Christian world view of sin, salvation by grace and so on, but he had not personally repented and committed, meaning that by those standards he wasn't saved.  I'd actually contrast faith with belief in that sense.


You mean believing that He existed? Even most atheists are aware of that historical fact.


No to find out what to do read the bible.  Matthew 25:40 in fact read that whole chapter and see the judgment given to the righteous and the one for the wicked.


Yes. For example Satan believes in Jesus and Satan is saved.


Scriptures say that belief in Jesus will save you and then scriptures also say belief in Jesus will not save you. I could show you but it will take awhile for me to find them. John Chapter 5:39-40. When ya find the truth and do what He says then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Therefore only you by your choice of doing what the truth tells you to do has set you free. See the Source, as some preachers say, my version of the bible.

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