How could it be possible for the killing crusaders of the past do what they did when they believed in Jesus the Son of God their savior?

For any one who has read the bible Jesus preached only to love one another and not kill one another so how could it be that the crusades happened? And even more bizarre is Christians us the word crusade in trying to get people born into the kingdom of God? Seems unbelievable but is real.


Far too many Christians convinced themselves that it was their duty to make the Holy Land Christian.


When the bible was written and the early Christians were teaching peace and love, Islam had not yet been invented. Islam grew and in the 7th or 8th century, there was an event called the Arab invasion. They stormed out of the desert conquering and killing and forcing survivors to convert from Christianity to the new religion of Islam. Here is a short video showing the area of their conquest versus the area of the crusades.
The crusades happened because of the islamic jihad that conquered to the outskirts of Vienna. Charlemagne and his forces managed to drive them off but they could not dislodge the muslims from Christian Spain for 800 years. When Ferdinand and Isabella united their kingdoms of Castille and Aragon, they and their allies managed to send Islam packing back to where they came from. That was in 1492. The crusades were fought for survival of Christianity against a fierce and warlike enemy. 
Christianity did not begin with the reformation mr. anonymous. It had gone for over 1500 years before.


Carnal warfare is sinful and condemned in 2 Cor. 10:4.


The question should really be, “Why did the Muslims invade Christian lands to the point Christians had to mount a defense or be destroyed?” If you don’t think God can assemble armies to be his hands and feet then read the Old Testament


maybe they werent really christians

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