How would a person go about becoming a Christian?


@Eddie J: I believe Jesus is the son of God by faith.


Look! Everybody; its my friend Juli !!!!!!!


@Dejair: This is the essence of being "Christ-like". Ephesians 4:2 says, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Christ humbled Himself when He went to the cross to die for our sins. He is gentle with everyone who comes to Him, forgiving them


I believe in Jesus, but my faith is worthless. Has anybody heard of a valid reason for religious faith?


Favorite Answer

google "THE SINNERS PRAYER"....use it to pray TO JESUS...


Call the office of any Catholic Church and make an appointment to meet with a priest. He will get together with you, listen to all you have to say, and set you up with all the information you need.


Answered in Romans 6:17.


Speak to the priest at your local church and ask about baptism.


First, find out for yourself that a church is acceptable to God.  Then join it.

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