If I believe in Jesus, am I saved?


@Lynnmarie: No, I just believe in Jesus.


I believe in Jesus, so you are saved by my faith; but I need your faith in Jesus to be saved, and I didn't get it, since you do not believe in Jesus; therefore I am not saved.


Thankyou Juli


Favorite Answer

Nope, here's how it works: If you believe in Jesus, I'M saved, and if I believe in Jesus, YOU'RE saved. Unfortunately for you, I don't believe in Jesus


Jesus set the record straight

Jhn 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 

Jhn 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 

"Born again" is Greek gennaō anōthen (another birth) meaning reborn from above - meaning spiritually. Its a spiritual rebirth in the image of Christ who is the exact image of God. 

Colossians 1:15 KJV — Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Heres what happened 

1- God made Adam in Gods spiritual image. He gave Adam a flesh body also so he could interact in earths physical environment. 

2- Adam betrayed God's spiritual image by choosing to live for flesh gratification rather than for the Spirit of God 

3- God cursed Adam and all his seed with death and decay, ruining our chances at eternal life here on earth. 

4- Later God sent his only begotten Son to die a one time atoning death for all men who would accept his offer. Prior to the crucifixion Jesus showed us how to live in Gods spiritual image again. He was humble, obedient and submissive. 

5- So Jesus who is the image of God regenerates us spiritually one by one back into the spiritual image of God and saves our souls. He does this through his word the Holy Bible.

1 Peter 1:23 KJV — Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

6- If this spiritual transformation never takes place in our lives here then we will die in Adams sinful flesh image. And then there is literally hell to pay. 


When we consider the NT Greek word that is translated as "believe" it is.

Acts 16:31 KJV — And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.

The Greek word is pisteuo which means total commitment. It does NOT refer to simple intelligent acknowledgment. Judas had that, and was not saved. He was not fully committed to the Lord (pisteuo).

Easy believism is a satanic lie from the pits of hell. Embrace that lie, and hell will be your eternal destination.

Salvation: The Lie of Easy-Believism and the Truth of the Bible




Easy Believism vs. True Repentance | wordofhope




Debunking “Easy-Believism”

by Joe Heschmeyer


A Critique Of “Easy Believism”

Posted March 4, 2008

Faith Pulpit

Faith Baptist Theological Seminary

Ankeny, Iowa

March—April 2008


Christian means Christ-like. 

Salvation: The Lie of Easy-Believism and the Truth of the Bible 

"Easy-believism" is a lie. The truth of the Bible is that it is not easy to be saved. As Peter puts it in 1 Pet 4:18, "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" There are several major problems with easy-believism: Firstly, it ignores a large number of verses which contradict it. Secondly, even the verses it selectively picks up (mainly the ones which make salvation/ having eternal life dependent on believing) make them mean what they don’t mean (that it is easy to believe). They abuse the original Greek meanings. 

According to the Bible, "Believing" and "Having faith" are themselves not easy things. 

A right heart and a sincerely active godly life are what God desires. An intellecctual belief in Jesus’ vicarious atonement is not sufficient for salvation – there is not a single verse or passage from Jesus’ lips which justify that claim. 



19 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. 20 How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless? 26 Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works. 

James 2  


Depends on what you mean by "believe in". Just believing He existed won't save you. Even atheists believe that, since it is a documented historical fact.


If you believe the Magic Jeebus Man is still alive, then you have an insanity problem.

Your Word is a light to my roadway2021-03-28T21:47:20Z

To be saved, one must accept Jesus Christ as their savior by exercising faith in him and his ransom sacrifice and doing God's will. One must give up a sinful way of life and repent of their sins, one must take in accurate knowledge of God and Jesus Christ and of the Kingdom. Then one must dedicate his/her life to the doing of God's will and then be baptized as a public display of that dedication, being baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirt. Then one must stay on a course leading to life by doing one's best not to sin anymore. We must not forsake the gathering of ourselves together as some have the custom, but to love and incite one another to love and fine works. We must share the hope we have with others, making disciples of people of all the nations.

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