Do I need to count someone this far out on my family tree?

So this person is the 3rd cousin 1x removed of the ex-wife of an uncle of mine. They are also the stepson of 1st cousin 1x removed of the ex-wife of an uncle of mine. His ex was from a redneck family so lots of cousins married but it was usually 2nd or 3rd cousin incest and not 1st cousins. 
So do I need to count this person on the family tree or is it accurate to just put my uncle's ex-wife's parents and maybe at most her siblings and their kids. 


Favorite Answer

No.  I've traced my ancestry back to 1635 and I would never include someone like that.


You can include whoever you choose to include.  Some people only mention a very limited number of people - parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.  They don't even add their siblings and cousins.

If you want to add every single connection you find, it's fine to do so.  It gets very complicated if you do, but there are no rules to say what you can and can't do!

Also, it's NOT incest if the union is legal.  In the UK and many other countries it's perfectly legal to marry 1st cousins.


no you do not////////