Do you believe in millions of year old Planet Earth? Is the Earth billions or only millions of years old?

I have bipolar disease from my doctor. Is bipolar about Earth years a bad thing like believing that Earth simply thousands of years old like bogus creationists and that Earth is billions of years old not explained yet by scientists about one world of a Earth explaining billions of years instead of millions, because supposedly not being different enough to explain Earth life on one Planet. Is the world hot instead of cold like billions of years old or warm like millions of years old? I don't know that much before dinosaurs came into play so why is the Earth billions of years old? The sky may be delusional looking to my thoughts because it doesn't look to me like billions of year old yet in the atmosphere. If Earth is millions of years old than how is there more than one Planet Earth when science doesn't say that yet? Why do dinosaurs look to me like the start of evolution primordial soup when I don't like millions of year old Earths more the 4.5 billion year old Earth. Although fish might disprove million year old Earth because of looking like a lot of difference of between dinosaur and first lifeforms. If I knew all of the micro and macro evolution relations of species than I wouldn't just know the truth then. 


Favorite Answer

The opening words of Genesis tell us: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

 Do these words of Genesis say that this happened about ten thousand years ago?No, it gives no time period. The beginning could therefore have been billions of years ago.

The account in Genesis then goes on to outline the famous six days of creation.

When did God create dinosaurs, and when did they become extinct?  The Bible does not provide specific answers to this question.

If the Hebrew expression translated great sea monsters includes dinosaurs, which often inhabited swampy, watery areas, this would mean that dinosaurs were created on the fifth day.

We do not know whether they continued to exist until man was created toward the close of the sixth day.

At the very latest it seems likely that they must have disappeared off the earth at the time of the flood of Noah’s day. 

River Euphrates2021-03-31T12:55:05Z

4.54 billion years (+/- 50 million years) - based on radiometric dating of rocks from Earth, the moon, and meteorites.

As opposed to counting the number of generations in a book of ancient superstitious nonsense.


I have never seen a planets being formed the way the scientists have said that they are formed. Blink and tell me how fast you perceive the light going into you eyes. Definitely faster that they say the speed of light is. Its as if the light is already there everywhere. And when I turn on the light with my eyes open its as if the light appears everywhere in an instant.


The earth is billions of years old


This is just a confused mess.

Dinosaurs appeared very late in the history of evolution compared to what existed before. They certainly do not look like the start of "evolution primordial soup".

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