Can this happen at the dentist?

At the dentist if you feel very dizzy or too tried after it will the dentist or hygienist carry you to the waiting room? Has it happened before?  


Yes, James, it's apparently happened many times in your fantasy life.


No, they will not carry you out. They'll place you in a wheelchair & then place you in another area. 


James:  If the dentist or assistants realize you are in distress, they will certainly assist you.......they are trained in their procedures, how different people react, and to watch for signs of distress.  Communicate with them.  It is certainly not unusual for people to be disoriented or dizzy after a procedure, especially with antithetics.  


No. No one is going to carry you to the waiting room.
You sit in the patient chair until you're no longer dizzy, or they call for emergency services to help you.


Do the human species a favor, James... Go get sterilized. The last thing we need is another mentally retarded pervert running around.