How fast do you perceive the light going into your eyes?
To me its there faster that a second even faster than a millisecond. So therefore the light was made first and was just there everywhere. And God made things to separate the light from the darkness. When you close your eyes the light is stopped just as fast and you perceive darkness again. So what do you think about when God said let there be light first in the beginning?
The same goes when you turn on a light bulb. If your eyes are open in the pitch blackness and the light is turned on how fast do you perceive the light going into your eyes? The light just there everywhere less than a millisecond.
I meant to add when you open and close your eyes.
I want to say that when I open my eyes it is as if the light is everywhere at the same time instantly. And the same goes when my eyes are opened in a dark room and I turn on the light. Its like the light appears to be everywhere at the same time instantly.