What's the best smelling male perfume in you opinion?


Axle grease, testosterone,  or just the musk after a heavy weeks work in the hot sun in the Australian "outback" ( without a shower for a week of course).
None of this "pansy" boy stuff for me!
My ladies like the smell of a MAN, not one of those wimpy boys with manicured fingernails and a permed haircut!
Time was when if one of them showed up in our little outback town, we would have played football with its head.
Then the local constable would have arrested it for being an undesirable and dangerous around kids!


Aramis and Old Spice.


4711 is still the best, IMHO.


RL Polo                                .

David K2021-03-31T16:18:29Z

Wearing a fragrance can be its own problem, as many people do not like fragrances. A light aftershave is a man's best bet. Cologne might be okay if very light and only when wanting to appeal to a specific woman, such as when on a date. If in doubt, don't. Women just want to believe you are clean.

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