Which of the following effects is industrialized agriculture least likely to have on the environment? (pick one line)?
toxic pesticide runoff into streams and rivers sediment pollution in waterways due to erosion cultural eutrophication the recharging of aquifers the desertification of marginal lands like the savannah and chaparral
Andrew Smith2021-04-03T22:46:00Z
Given that all of the above have been observed it like saying "which is least likely to kill you ... a bullet through the head, a bullet through your heart, removal of your lungs or slashing your femoral artery". ALL of the effects listed have been demonstrably observed. If you take the point on recharging aquifers, the clearing of trees increases the rate of flow of water so more runs off, less enters the ground so there is less recharging of aquifers at the same time as more water is being pumped from those same aquifers. Desertification happens because there is less evaporation from trees and there is an increase of drying from the effects of wind and sun. Hence reduced local rainfall. The other points should be quite obvious.
Silver Bullet in the air full of bullets fired from machine gun...
OH I had to look this one up sounded familiar SOOO....
Cultural Eutrophication occurs when human water pollution speeds up the aging process by introducing sewage, detergents, fertilizers, and other nutrient sources into the ecosystem.