Ideas for Fanfiction topics?
So I have taken to writing topics on my fanfiction account that are somewhat hard to write/talk about.
For example, I have done…
* Stillborn birth
* Shaken Baby Syndrome
* Kidnapping (child's body is found)
* Alternate ending, child is found alive
These are both one-shots, and small stories of about 5 chapters. I have also done Domestic Violence, and child abuse (physical and sexual, separately). But these are both multi-chapter stories.
I am looking for more ideas that could be finished in 7 or less chapters. Things mostly like SBS or stillbirth, a topic that's hard to talk about that I could bring awareness to.
Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you. :)
I write for Pretty Little Liars (where the first 3 topics take place), but I also write for Glee & Criminal Minds, if that helps in any way.
Marli - I tried replying directly but it won't let me.
Thank you for the suggestions. I am not sure why it is always kids being hurt that I write about. I guess it's just what I'm good at? But I do enjoy researching and learning something new each time.
My stories always end with people arrested & going to prison. I also really enjoy raising awareness for things like Shaken Baby Syndrome, etc.
Your suggestions are very interesting. I will give them a go! Thank you. :)