The words of Jesus Himself from the Holy Bible "I HAVE NOT COME TO BRING PEACE TO THE WORLD, BUT A SWORD". Why is Jesus so violent?


Pearl ....... those 13 words were spoken by Jesus. Jesus is God. Why are you rejecting those 13 Words of God?


Malcolm ..... so according to you a sword is not a sword. So using the exact same logic God is not God, love is not love, the Bible is not the Bible and Satan is not Satan.


Miguel ....... you've just changed the meaning of "sword" (a defense mechanism used by you), so why didn't you change the meaning of "peace"? Or do you agree with Jesus when He said "I have not come to bring peace to the world"?


mimi ........  that's exactly what my Muslim friend said about the One True God the non trinity Allah God. And exactly what my Hindu friend said about their One True Creator God Brahma. Ancient Greeks said the same thing about their One True God Apollo.


mimi ...... virtually every different religion has their own Holy Books that worship different Gods, and each of those religions know with 100% absolute certainty the ONLY "their" specific God is the One True God. For example, the many hundreds of millions of Hindus KNOW with 100% certainty that the Creator God called Brahma (and not your trinity god) created EVERYTHING. Just ask them, they'll tell you, educate you.


David at Your Service ....... gee, you've been 100% brainwashed, just like Muslims have been 100% brainwashed, just like Buddhists have been 100% brainwashed, just like Hindus have been 100% brainwashed etc etc etc. So sad.


Jake ........ I asked "why is Jesus so violent?" and you directly replied "because to have true peace we must work for justice". So, why do you believe the perpetration of violence from God (Jesus) is an element of justice?


The "sword" He refers to destroys evil that people on Earth have chosen. The destruction of evil is the means to peace.


The answer to that Q is in the Bible book Revelation, ch. 1 vss 16-18 & ch. 19 vss. 11-16. There you learn that Christ holds the keys of Death and Hades. A sword is symb-olically coming out of His mouth "with which to strike down the nations. He treads the wine-press of the fury of God Almighty". This is judgment from Heaven against ungodly nations that do not bend their knees to Him being the King of God's Kingdom. Christ executes that righteous judgment, "the armies of heaven following him."

The nations, by then, will have been given all the time needed to repent of their ungodliness and blasphemies, but they will not. As God's bowls of judgment and plagues are poured out on the world, leading up to Christ coming, men will curse God all the more-so (Rev. 9:20-21). They will be dealt with, then peace eternal will come and Christ will be the Prince of Peace. But first, He deals with those who hate Him. They have been warned.

As for Jesus' words about literal swords while He was still on Earth,  Jesus knew the disciples were carrying swords. It is not something that can be hidden in such a close knit company as they were.Traveling was a dangerous activity then and it was reasonable to discourage robbers and the likes.  But in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus rebuked Peter for using a sword, he told Peter to "Put it up into its box", not "sheath". The Greek word is theke (its 'box'). The theke is for secure containment at home.Jesus does not say 'do not possess a sword' because they may need one in time of insurrection, civil war. But he does say, 'Do not carry it around with you anymore'. 'Don't live by it. For they that live by the sword, die by the sword.' A time was coming when the disciples would be under severe threat from an unlawful source - the Jews. Rome had power to execute, the Jews did not. And the discipleswould have to lock the doors for fear of the Jews who, after Jesus' death, would become emboldened to commit  murder.Thus, facing an unlawful source of violence, it is quite in order to be armed. And a much greater matter was on the horizon, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD with an appalling war and its consequences. However, Christians had been told to flee Jerusalem before then, as Jesus predicted this, and what He said showed them how to flee. They took no part in that fighting. And when Jesus fights with that symbolic sword out of His mouth, Christians will take no part in that either. Jesus cuts down all intransigent opposers to His Kingship in the Kingdom of God. You have been warned.

Pearl L2021-04-02T03:34:58Z

hes not violent


Exactly. Jesus came to show how to we
overcome the Matrix and defeat the 
Matrix within ourselves, so we can raise
ourselves from the dead and return Home (to Oneness).

No where does Jesus say he
is going to hand everything to us. 

Every archangel has a hand-tool, dimwit. 

Michael's sword is used to cast out demons. 

Raphael's staff is used for healing. 

Samuels' wand imbues unconditional love. 

Uriel's hand-scale weighs your soul's progress. 

Gabriel's Horn brings messages and innocence. 

𝒞ℴ𝓇𝓋𝓊𝓈 ℬ𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓇𝓃ℯ2021-04-02T02:56:57Z

Yeshua bar-Yosef intended to expel the Romans from Israel, or what had once been Israel.

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