Lots of reasons. Supply and demand which the little commies in government don't understand. President Biden caused a huge jump in oil when he recently stopped leases on public land. Monstrous amounts of oil will be needed to created the electricity for Teslas EVs. Half of all clothes, the bottoms of shoes, drugs, auto tires and all plastics are made out of oil. Nearly all 'green" energy is created by oil companies. Nearly all the money spent to fight global warming is oil money.
A nobody
Due to an increase in oil futures, there are more buyers than sellers of such companies, the world's oil markets is being put jeopardy due to the Presidents mandate on the US oil production.
Supply and demand. Everyone is getting vaccinated and no longer staying home.
The Oracle of Omigod
Commerce and employment is going up and more people are going to be expected to resume commuting.
The people just can't get enough of that bubbly