It's 74 outside right now and the low is 70 and high is 93 today. The dew point is 60 and humidity 62%. is that good or bad?
Should I get an air purifier, humidifier, or dehumidifier? In the winter it will rain every day and the temperature will be a little cooler but about the same
An air purifier is great for people with allergy issues. But - it really doesn't change much about how the temperature is going to "feel" to you. If you are looking for something that will help with temperature and humidity management - you don't need an air purifier.
A humidifier is great for very dry air. This happens in certain climates and it especially happens in locations that need to use furnace heat for cold winters. Your description does not sound like a climate that would actually benefit from a humidifier. You don't want to add moisture to air that already has 62% humidity.
A dehumidifier is used for high humidity situations. When there is too much moisture in the air, it can cause the heat to feel "sticky". In your home, too much moisture can increase mold growth and cause issues with paint and wallpaper too. The best humidity levels are around 30% to 50% - so humidity of 62% is a little high.
You might want to try a dehumidifier. You can also get a gauge that would read the humidity INSIDE your home. Just hang it in one of your rooms - probably not the room with the dehumidifier. This will help you determine the right settings and how often to run your dehumidifier. This is something you might not need to run every day - just on the days when the humidity inside your home is above the comfort zone.
Read this article:,%25%2C%20according%20to%20the%20EPA.