Do you believe the Anti-vaxxers conspiracy theories against the Covid vaccine?

Saying the vaccine alters your DNA and kills people as part of their plan to reduce the human population. Then again there are idiots who say Israel was behind 9/11. 

Andy C2021-04-03T03:20:43Z

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Now that would be stupid.   Antivaxxers are just people scared of needles and not having enough courage to find out that it truly is nothing. 

That's why they make up absurdities. 


Do you have ANY proof that the vaccine DOESN'T?
 All you have is the word of people that work for the government.
The WHO and CDC have been wrong from day ONE and have been caught in lies repeatedly.
They have changed their positions and recommendations dozens of times.
I have never worn a mask and never will and will never take a vaccine and i have not even had a sniffle since the whole covid hoax started and never will.
Meanwhile millions have gotten sick and died while blindly follow government orders.


Its the same type of people that honestly believe that a cabal of shape-shifting aliens is controlling the government.  Maybe the aliens are behind the DNA scheme to eliminate the human race.  Its all starting to make sense. 


ive heard of people dying cause of the vaccine