Do I have to ask Jesus into my heart to be born again?


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"From the first day that you set your heart to understand I have heard you.", Dan. 10:12.  John 3:5.


Not in so many words, but you do have to allow Him into your life, and live according to His word.


No, you don't.  You need to exercise faith in Jesus Christ (sufficient to motivate you to find things out for yourself); repent of whatever sins you might have (regret them, give them up, make what amends you can, etc.); be baptized by immersion by someone with authority from Christ (not some book or seminary) to do so; and be confirmed and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Followed by a lifetime of Christian discipleship.  Being saved is not a single act, but a lifelong (sometimes longer) process.


All Christians are born again in baptism.


Yes, but there is more to it than just that. You should read one of the Gospels (or all) in order to grasp the real meaning of being 'born again'. 

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