Christians, if adam and eve were the first people on earth, does that mean incest had to happen to procreate our world today? ?

Phil M2021-04-04T12:59:06Z

And again after the flood with Noah's family. "It'll be fine".


We are all brothers and sisters. Adam lived 930 years (Eve is about the same age).) Fertility in women ~ 14 years. 930/14 = 66 generations. Answer yourself: If your great-great-grandfather and your wife's great-great-grandmother were brother and sister in the 12th century, do you commit incest with your spouse? PS: Besides, there was Lilith before Eve.


Yes, but only for Adam's and Eve's children.  There is no excuse for it today, if that's what you're thinking.


Incest means sexual activity between two people who are biologically closely related. Adam and Eve didn't receive their DNA from any human parents, and were therefore not closely related.


Most families with the exception of yours have stopped. Besides, your sister is not that good in bed. Trust me.

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