Do white Americans worry about becoming a minority in their own country? ?

I’m Indian but I feel sorry for the whites in the USA. They will soon become a minority. Hispanics are projected to overtake whites. 

No offense to others but the whites built USA. 
India should learn from them. 


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Yes, to answer your question, white people, or more specifically Anglo-Protestants, are worried about becoming the minority or more of a minority. Yes, it was Anglo-Protestants who developed the structure of this country and yes the country will change as a result of conflict between the different cultures of the USA. We could go the same route as Yugoslavia, but we might break apart into separate countries, as styled by Malcom X, before this happens. 


This is happening in Europe too.. If whites are not indigenous to America, they should at least have a homeland in Europe. But Europe is also being replaced at the same rate. The anti-white leftists in Europe promote the nonsensical idea that European countries are also “immigrant nations” to facilitate non-White takeover of Europe. The “nation of immigrants” propaganda has entered European countries.


 Strictly speaking, America belongs to the indigenous people who became a minority in their own country after waves after waves of migrants from different countries settled down here and overwhelmed them..How whites can claim that this is their land 


your a indian well you better learn mexican then , .


You don't seem to know much about US demographics OR history.  Let me help you out a bit.

First, Spanish-speakers are NOWHERE NEAR overtaking English-speakers, and won't be for a long, long time, if ever.  There are presently 330 million people in the USA.  Only about 60 million of those are "Hispanic".  "White" people?  About 200 million.

What's going to happen a bit before 2040 is that continued growth among non-whites (black, Spanish-speakers, Asian, natives, and others) will result in ALL those groups ADDED TOGETHER finally equaling the number of "white" people.  So for the first time, the people who have always exerted control (numerically or violently) of all the American legislatures will begin to lose it.  That is why you see one of the American political parties so frantically seeking to disenfranchise non-whites now.

As for white people building the USA, you are forgetting that, first of all, the "USA" was not theirs to build.  It would be as if the British exterminated the native population of India, moved in to the depopulated territory, mined its wealth, felled its forests, hunted its animals to extinction, demolished its temples and monuments, paved over its fields and rice paddies...and describing that by saying "The British "built" India".

You're also overlooking the fact that the English wouldn't have stayed in North America at all but for two reasons:  Tobacco, and Cotton.  And there wouldn't have been either of those things without African slaves.  Not to mention canals they were forced to build...and the roads and ports and cleared land...AND EVEN THE VERY BUILDINGS WE SEE ON TELEVISION THAT REPRESENT THE USA:  their Capitol and White House - constructed with slave labor!  The very foundations of the USA rest upon the bones of non-whites...millions upon millions of them.  And that doesn't even begin to address the glossed-over contributions of African- and Asian- and native-Americans to US warfighting and US prosperity across its entire history.

I hope this helps you grasp why it will be a benefit to white Americans to finally have to recognize that they are (and have always BEEN) simply one PART of a great number of contributors to their democracy.

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