What is your opinion on pit bull bans?


There are too many good pitties to just ban the whole breed.

Temperament testing should be available when dogs get their rabies shots.  Those that fail the test should be euthanized.  Weed out the nasty dogs & keep the good ones.

Julie D.2021-04-04T01:09:43Z

Prohibition doesn't work, no matter what Country you live in.  I happen to live in the USA and am Facebook friends with a very wonderful contributor here who lives in the UK, and she just proved to me a few days ago about some things that some people have no understanding of.  Where she lives, cropping and docking is banned, as are Pit Bulls, but she told me about a BOMB PROOF PIT THAT SHE KNOWS OF, and also a docked and cropped Doberman who's been abused and looking for a home.  How does a non working PET get docked and cropped in the UK or pretty much anywhere in Europe?  I know, and she showed me the proof which was very sick.

Sleep tight tonight.  We all have our differences about anything, but rest assured, a Pit Bull ban is small potatoes compared to the entire picture.


If it's an insurance decision based on profit and loss, the increase the premiums based on the breed instead of banning the entire breed.


Sounds good to me. Mainly because they are ugly dogs.


same as gun bans, foolish

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