What do you call this?

It's like a U shaped nail but sharp on both ends, I need one to fix up a bird feeder.

Ogres are like Onions2021-04-04T00:35:19Z

Favorite Answer

The technical name for that is a “fence staple” or “u nail.”  If you look up fence staples, you’ll find them

Spock (rhp)2021-04-04T15:23:11Z

it's a staple.  they come in multiple sizes and were frequently used in electrical work to staple romex to the rafters in a house.  [and they're installed with a hammer, not a staple gun]


You are describing a staple.  They come in many shapes and forms.  Such as what you have/use to staple sheets of paper together.  A bird feeder is fairly small and delicate, so you need a suitable staple.  Look at one for attaching electrical cable to the house framing. 

