How do you get through depressing times?

Do you just tell yourself to be patient for better times ahead?
Anything else?


If you're talking about the pandemic, getting vaccinated helps a lot. I don't worry about it! I do continue to wear a mask to protect other people. Even though you might not get it, you can still infect others, is the current consensus.

If you're talking about times in general, yes, be patient.  Just do the best you can, and don't worry about it. 'God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, and
Wisdom to know the difference.'

That prayer has been a real source of strength for me. Wish I ALWAYS followed that wisdom!


There are many self-help books on the market to help with depression and anxiety especially in times like these, which are filled with uncertainty due to Covid 19 pandemic. This FREE video should help you to cope.  You deserve to be happy.

Emily Rose2021-04-05T00:45:17Z

I pray and I also try to tell myself that it will get better. I work out everyday and I noticed that helps me a lot. I also watch what I eat I notice I feel sad and depressed if I eat junk food too often 99 percent of the time I eat healthy now and I make sure the portions aren't too big. I just also take it one day at a time, I remind myself how life was for me and how bad I felt when I wasn't happy and when I wasn't working, and I try to remind myself to be grateful for everything I have. I also write down how I feel sometimes because that helps me get it off my chest or I'll listen to songs that relate to whatever im dealing with at that time. Its okay to be depressed sometimes too no matter what anyone says you just have to be okay with being sad just dont let it consume your life. Hope that helps and good luck. 

Andy C2021-04-04T04:52:14Z

That's one thing.   You take steps to prevent things from going wrong again in the same way.   You realize that life is the noble struggle against the inevitable entropy and take heart in the fact that you got to be part of something so great.

Chocolate helps, too,  but only 88%+.  

Pearl L2021-04-04T02:22:57Z

ask god to help you

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