What is the best brand of organic vegan dog food?


As long as it meets all their needs it should be fine, any is fine


(c/p) Can dogs survive on a vegan diet?
A recent study found a growing number of pet owners are feeding their dogs and cats vegetarian or vegan diets, or would like to do so. However, meat-free diets can potentially kill or sicken pets.Apr 6, 2019
Is it safe for your cat or dog to eat a vegan diet? - ABC Newshttps://www.abc.net.au › can-your-pet-become-vegan

As stated above a pure vegan diet can make your dog sick or kill it.  Not a good idea for an animal that has to have meat.  Dogs are carnivores & have to have meat.  They will not survive a vegan diet.  Even cats have to have meat.

Do right by your dog or find it another home if you cannot feed it bloody meat.


I would suggest Wild Earth. That's what I've been feeding me Basset Hound puppy.


NONE.  Dogs are naturally carnivorous.  Vegan foods may not offer proper nutrition to animals that need meat.  Humans, who are omnivorous, can live on a vegan diet.


"Organic" and "vegan" are merely advertising scams to charge 3 times the price for the same food.
And LEAD is "organic"
Battery acid is "organic"
Arsenic is "organic"
So that term is meaningless.
All dogs are CARNIVORES and all carnivores need MEAT.
So "vegan" is not helping your dog

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