Water pressure?

A water main broke across the street from me and when they turned it back on I have very little water coming out of my kitchen faucet. Every other faucet, shower and toilet work fine except for the kitchen faucet. Any suggestions on what's wrong or how to fix it? 


The repairmen may have introduced debris in the line.
Some debris clogs the street valve and limits water to the house.

A pressure gauge can tell you your static pressure and your 'use' pressure. Both readings should be pretty close in number.

I would call the repair man who fixed the leaky main and ask them to fix their mess.

It worked BEFORE they 'fixed it', right?

Whenever there is a main break or service, they are supposed to flush the main (usually the nearest fire hydrant).


The faucet tip unscrews a mesh like screen.  This makes the foam.  It can get clogged.  Clean it and screw it in again and move on.

Spock (rhp)2021-04-05T01:23:00Z

the screen on the faucet, just where it enters the sink, is likely clogged.  It unscrews -- take it off, wash it, and replace it.  -- grampa


If cleaning the strainer doesn't work you may need to replace the cartridge. I had some crap get into a new kitchen faucet and no amount of cleaning back-blowing with compressed air replacing the cartridge would clean it out - fortunately I was able to return it for new one.


Remove the strainer screen from the faucet and clean it off.
Likely sediment clogged it up after the water was restored

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