By constitution, nobody can question anyone's belief. But Iran's parliament approved a law against in 2007. I think Leader wanted it. Idea?

Law says if one parent is Muslim child will be killed if chooses another religion. I was called by IRan intelligence that they will send me to court if I follow Judaism IN SPITE OF MY JEWISH GRANDPA AND MY MOM grandma was secretly Jew (from India/I know it & know they know it as well)..

Any thought on how I can be freed? They don't let me renew passport.


Favorite Answer

you need to be and immigrant and get away from the antique religion that takes away all freedoms.  Why people immmigrated to the USA and Canada a long time ago.  Living under a muslim rule would be horrible.


Just convert for the sake of it.. Allah and Yahweh are one and the same god, the god of this Abraham character..