Why are my packages always late? ?

I'm an amazon Prime user and my packages are NEVER delivered before dark, despite the fact my usual mail is delivered at noon and both are usps. How do I get them to fix this? 


My packages AREN'T delivered by a different person or service than my regular mail. My carrier simply always does two trips. 


My packages are late because of lockdown.


You don't.  Packages are delivered by a different person than your rguar mail.


Get what fixed?  Just because they don't come at the same time as the rest of your mail doesn't mean they're late.  As long as it shows up by the end of the day it was supposed to arrive then it's all good.  You wanting it earlier is not really relevant.


Get this haircut and you know the rest ...


It is so mixed up with all the option, deals, sales and delivery methods it not worth it.

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