How police helping me get my stolen item back if already know where?

Let supposed I left phone in my car. By time I get back to my car, car get break in and my cell phone got stolen.

I call police to make a crime report. After made police report, I asked police to use computer to traced GPS inside my phone. 

The map showed my phone is heading south on highway 2 miles from us in greyhound bus. Will police go on road to chase this greyhound to pull them over? Even is phone is hidden somewhere. Will police go ahead searching every 50 passengers and drivers? Also searching at bottom of greyhound bus every luggage?


So the stolen cell phone consider as minor crime? I thought it's major serious because can leading to bigger crimes such as identity thefts etc...


Favorite Answer all your questions. How will they know your phone is on a bus? All GPS will tell you is the phone is 2 miles away and moving in a certain direction. And the police will not waste time and effort going after such a minor crime. You might think it is important but no one else will.


No, they will not chase down the bus and search everyone.


are you also saying you failed to have security features?  the only way anyone can get into my phone is to go a complete reset which wipes out my data....

uh no, not unless you want to specifically pay the expense (hourly rate and equipment)...gps would not show it was a greyhound bus.  they could not legally search people without a specific suspect.


James, you have issues which don't involve this phone.  No, the Police will not tear the bus apart and search passengers because you aren't smart enough to hide your phone so it's not visible to a passerby.


You better buy yourself another phone.