What type of tree is this?

I love in southern California if that helps. I just moved into a new home and started reviving this tree. It was nothing but twigs when I first moved in. Now it has green leaves and white flowers. 


It's a Prunus of some sort; the flowers are very distinctive. It's probably a plum of some sort, although it could be a cherry plum or similar. 


Looks like a pear tree, but the leaf is a bit odd. There might be a variety that would take your warm climate.  Generally pears like cold climates.  Check to see if you have pear varieties that grow in your area.  It might be a flowering pear and does not set fruit.

A Hunch2021-04-05T05:46:15Z

Is it an apricot tree?
When did you move in?  Stone fruit trees lose all of their leaves after the harvest.
in the spring the flowers emerge before the leaves.


If it's not an apricot, maybe another stone fruit.