What do you think of "thematic" investing?

You provide the cash and the broker provides the group of stocks.


It's managed portfolios, funds, EFT's that contain stocks & bonds that all revolve around a particular theme. Real Estate, Tech, International Markets, etc. You just buy whatever theme you're interested in.


NEVER buy Just on a recommendation. You never know what the broker's fees/interest actually is. 


Its ok, I guess, but why not just buy the mutual fund/ etf you are interested in and left the pro handle it. You save a bit on fees but also have the hassle of buying and selling individual stocks as things change.


Never heard of it. Do you mean investing in sector mutual funds, ESG funds, and other non-diversified funds? Those can be good investments when you know how to use them and the fees aren't too high.
Or do you mean giving your money manager your own personal list of criteria and having them do the job of a fund manager? That would be both a bad investment (experts know the right criteria better than you do) and expensive (you're paying the salary for a full-time job).