Why do North Africans look like Middle Eastern people?

She is a Moroccan girl.


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The ancestors of today's North Africans were a group of populations from Eurasia that settled in the region around thirteen thousand years ago.
As well as this local component, North African populations were also observed to share genetic markers with all the neighbouring regions (Europe, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa), as a result of more recent migrations, although these appear in different proportions. Northern Africans are closely related to Europeans and West Asians as well as to Southwest Asians. Northern Africans can clearly be distinguished from West Africans and other African populations dwelling south of the Sahara.


Because African isn't a race. Several archaic humans existed in Africa long before black people existed. 


Cos they are all Arab 


Because they are related to Middle Eastern people. They also have European DNA because the Greeks, Italians mixed with the local population. The French also had colonies in Tunisia.