Offering bribes to get my name removed from severs?

No I am not talking about government stuff. I am not talking about banks. I am talking about private companies who have my name or email and I did not give them permission.

What can a corporate entity do if I pay a bribe to have my account deleted? You know an account I never authorized from day one?



I live in the USA. In most cases I can simply call or email and get what I asked for.  But, some companies who gain access to private details without permission tend to refuse to delete it.


I agree with you Brian, but I am plagued with letters from the same two class action settlement administrators that top up their class member lists with my name and that of others. I never even bought the product from the defendant, yet they just throw my name on there as though I did.  I just want them to remove my name from the pool of names they randomly pick from.  All the administrators are doing it. I managed to negotiate with all but two of them.

Brian Mcilwee2021-04-05T14:11:31Z

Any company that has your personal information and refuses to delete it is probably a scammer.  If, for example BIG CORP had your info and you knew it because they kept sending out letters with your credit score to send them a letter and an email that says; Cease and desist and delete all of my stuff from your servers...they would have to.


You literally don't need a bribe. 

Most countries have data laws in place; you can request that a company deletes all your data from their servers