Unprotected anal sex question ?

Wouldn’t the bottom’s gut bacteria travel inside the top’s penis and cause UTI and prostate infection? That’s one of the common reasons women unwittingly get UTI. 

But in anal sex, we directly put our genitals inside the excretory tract.


Favorite Answer

Yes indeed. We should not play in the shythouse, because it is gross and nasty and completely unnatural.


Many people who enjoy anal use a condom for that very reason.

If you didn't, urinating immediately after anal or vaginal intercourse washes out most or all of the bacteria that could otherwise cause a problem.

Condoms are a relatively recent invention, considering all of human history. People have always had anal and most of the time it's not a problem. Your body is pretty well designed to handle the threat it causes.

I cannot agree that women get UTIs the way you presume they do. Plenty of virgins or people not currently sexually active get them. The biggest factor is the short distance from the outside of their bodies to the bladder compared to men.


Unprotected anal sex is not suppose to happen and can lead to many nasty infections.