This stock market is a result of the Trump economy and you know it!?

Because so many coal, leaky pipeline and golf equipment stocks are in the djia, right?


Favorite Answer

$7.5 trillion was added to the federal debt during the Trump years.  If the economy was so good, why was it necessary to borrow so much money?


Nice to be clueless, isn't it? 

The Oracle of Omigod2021-04-05T15:36:26Z

You do realize that by killing the pipeline project, we will continue to haul 650 rail cars full of oil EVERY DAY from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.  What could possibly go wrong?  We are making Warren Buffet even richer since he owns the railroad.  

R R2021-04-05T15:30:23Z

Sure, just like Trumps Economy was a result of the previous administration and so on...