Why would you use a bucket and a helicopter to put out a massive forest fire?


To the devil who answered the question. Looking at the devastation it doesn't look like it works


The current paper contemplates the adequacy of the utilization of the Mi-17 helicopter with a

Bambi pail firefighting framework in activities against mountain and woodland fires in the
Republic of Bulgaria. It makes an examination of the conditions under which it is utilized, on the premise
of various distributions about hypothetical and test examines, including ones focused on
expanding the effectiveness of utilizing helicopters with other outside hanging firefighting frameworks.
The readiness and direct of flying investigations with а Bambi can framework have been
made. They consider the points of interest of this framework, the qualities of the firefighting
strategies utilized in the Republic of Bulgaria, and the of country explicit outside factors. On the
premise of the aftereffects of these investigations, and by contemplating the flight security
necessities, suggestions have been made to improve the adequacy of utilizing a Bambi
can firefighting framework in Bulgaria.
1. Presentation
Timberland fire is a vicious spread of fire across the whole woodland region, unmanageable by people, and
portrayed by thick smoke and exceptional warmth radiation. It lessens the defensive attributes of the
woods, their water-preservation and different properties. It causes the obliteration of trees and bushes,
fauna and, sometimes, impacts populated zones. Because of their social and monetary costs scale, woodland
flames could develop to public calamities. Such a model are the flames in Greece the previous summer, which
have been distinguished as the biggest in Europe since the Second World War. In this way, firefighting is a
matter of public safety, and all supporting methods should be utilized, including flying firefighting
World practice shows that the stifling of complex consolidated (both low and pinnacle) timberland fires
with water (right now the best quenching specialist on the planet utilized for this intention) is conceivable as it were
utilizing helicopters. This is a diverse, work serious and exorbitant cycle portrayed with pretty much nothing
productivity and adequacy. Lamentably, there could be no other fire stifling technique for
smothering flames in blocked off, hard to reach and distant zones, a long way from water bowls.
In the course of the most recent couple of a long time all throughout the planet, and since 2010 in our nation too, helicopters with
a suspension fire quenching framework (SFS) have been utilized for stifling mountain and backwoods
fires. The most well-known firefighting technique is to pour water from the framework's outer stockpiling tank
onto the spot of fire or to make an encasing path. The benefits of the utilization of helicopters for backwoods
fires are their operability in conveying water to the hearth, the incredible quick proficiency of
pouring a ton of water, air terminal freedom, and the undeniable degree of wellbeing for people.
IOP Conf. Arrangement: Materials Science and Engineering 664 (2019) 012005
IOP Publishing
In Bulgaria, during the smother mountain and woodland fires, the utilization of Mi-17 helicopters with
Bambi pail framework was set up. To make it protected and viable various hypothetical
what's more, trial contemplates [1, 2], including those pointed toward expanding the effectiveness of this utilization in
consistence with the necessities of flight security, have been finished in Russia and in Europe [3]. A
issue with the use of the consequences of these examinations in our nation is the way that in Russia the
SFS is VSU-5, whose qualities fluctuate from those of the Bambi container (table 1). Subsequently, explicit
transformation of the aftereffects of this examination is required and conduction of studies in our country all together
to improve the general presentation in our present conditions and conditions.
Table 1. Specialized attributes of SFS Bambi can and VSU-5а.
Specialized Characteristics Bambi can VSU-5а
Most extreme volume, m3
3.0 4.5
Measurement of the top, mm 1400 2200
Base measurement, mm 800
Length of rope, m 15 20-40
Most extreme helicopter speed with void tank, km/h 176 160
Most extreme helicopter speed with full tank, km/h 176 180
Most profitable helicopter speed, km/h 80-100 80-100
Productive height for running water over the surface, m 10 20-30
Expected chance to pour water in the wake of pressing the pilot button, s 4-5 6-8
Normal water utilization, l/s 800 - 1000 800-1000
Time to fill the framework tank, s 75 60
Shutting season of the valve, s 1-2 1-2
Mass of the unfilled framework, kg 75 160
The current work examinations the conditions under which a Mi-17 helicopter with a Bambi can
suspension framework is utilized for smothering mountain and timberland fires in Bulgaria. Expressive and
test materials are introduced, considering the particulars of our conditions. The primary
ends and suggestions for furnishing higher firefighting proficiency in consistence with the
necessities of the flight wellbeing are figured.
2. Fire quenching in Bulgaria
Helicopters could be utilized in various firefighting and crisis activities, playing out the
following errands:
 look for and salvage casualties on account of rapidly spreading fire;
 focusing on and on location control of the ground fire and salvage powers;
 transport of salvage groups and fire-stifling methods and their conveyance by parachute, fastrope and landing;
 casualties' departure from the hazardous situation;
 dousing of rapidly spreading fires from the air with water or a fire resistant arrangement in territories not
available for ground firefighting groups;
 directing ethereal fire reconnaissance and observing;
 forestalling fire advancement until the ground powers show up, forestalling the spread of fire;
 building up encasing paths utilizing water, froth and substance arrangements;
 correspondence between firefighting groups, search and salvage groups and the on location decisionmaker.
In Bulgaria, on account of firefighting, a flight fire framework helicopter Mi-17 is utilized with
outer suspension Bambi can framework. Mi-17 is a military form helicopter changed over to utilize a
Bambi pail framework. It is fit for conveying up to 4000 liters of water and disposing of it with incredible
accuracy at the spot of the fire. It is likewise equipped for shipping firefighting groups and unique
IOP Conf. Arrangement: Materials Science and Engineering 664 (2019) 012005
IOP Publishing
hardware to the influenced territory. Up to now, more than 14 000 units have been created of different
changes, a world record for two-motor helicopters. These helicopters are worked in more than 100
nations all throughout the planet and have a sum of around 100 million flight hours.
The outside fire smothering framework is the Bambi can, delivered by the SEI – Canadian
Organization, with a limit of 3000 liters [4]. The principle highlights of this framework, contrasted with those of
the Russian VSU-5A, are portrayed in table 1.
For firefighting of mountain and backwoods fires by helicopters with SFS, two techniques are applied –
direct (dynamic) and circuitous (detached). In the immediate dousing technique, the fire is straightforwardly assaulted by
water or another fire-smothering specialist. It is applied when the fire is level and is in a beginning phase of
advancement. The roundabout technique is utilized to make a limiting path at a particular separation away from
the fire. The finish of these paths should get done with common or fake fire hindrances like streets, streams,
furthermore, lakes or pre-arranged mineralized paths.
The fundamental phases of the firefighting flights are: take off; trip with SFS to the water bowl to fill in
the tank; drifting and filling the SFS with water; trip to the fire site; arrival of water into the
Each phase of the flight is identified with a danger for its wellbeing. According to the perspective of flight security,
the last stage is generally hazardous because of the way that perplexing air dynamic cycles are created
ridiculous site as consequence of ignition. There is a huge distinction in the temperature fields due to
the diverse pyro-qualities of strong flammable materials. This prompts the arrangement of winds
diverse as speed and heading. Following the alleviation of the territory, particularly when mountain fires are
smothered, these breezes make whirling and tempestuous wind streams. As a rule it is feasible to frame
convective warm arches, the force of which is straightforwardly reliant on ignition power.
The force of ignition relies upon the breeze speed over the fire site, the kind of the strong
flammable materials and the stature of the actual fire. Following the help of the zone, the level fire can
effectively transform into a pinnacle fire when the breeze has a speed of more than 20 m/s and the incline point is 20-30°.
Helicopter trip over such convective arches is particularly risky as a result of the temperature of
the raised air. It could cause motor flood. It could happen when the air bay temperature is above
70°C. Along these lines, when flying over such zones, the limits of greatest surrounding air temperature
limits should be considered. For instance, utilizing the strategy set out in [1] for extreme focus
fires (20000 kW/m) with distance across of 15 m, the accompanying estimations of the encompassing air temperature are
seen at height H: 190°C at H = 30 m; 110°C at H = 50 m; 15°C at H = 100 m. Thusly,
helicopter trip at a height of 30-70 m is risky on account of the chance of motor flood.
Violent streams nearby fire additionally influence crafted by the team. They should continually respond to
the outside climate, which makes them tired a lot quicker.


It's a lot safer and more efficient than sending people into the fire zone to piss on the flames.


Whatever works. What doesn't work, raking the forests, what Trump said would work and said that Norway does but that Norway doesn't do because it's stupid. What Norway does do, however, along with everyone else, is use helicopters to dump buckets of water on forest fires to put them out.

The Devil2021-04-05T23:57:15Z

To stop the spread, that's why.....a Chinook helicopter and a several ton bucket would work.