can a marine officer be a scout sniper?
Question for Marines, I'm wanting to be a naval reserve officer but my backup plan is marine officer if I cant be a naval officer and my areas to try for are viper/cobra pilot (which i believe only officers can be pilots) or sniper, and I read where a female 2nd LT became a sniper and it said most officers are ground intelligence officers so I was wondering if this article was talkin bout 2 different fields/jobs and you got intelligence officer OR sniper or if there one and the same, and if officers could be a sniper how hard would it be to become one? Sense I also read where sniper is a hard field to join, only like 45 out of 200 make it in. Also Heres the link to the article read on a officer who is a sniper....the first female JO sniper. If anyone would like to check it out. ( )