I think I am saved, what if I don't ask Jesus into my heart?


Favorite Answer

You wouldn’t be saved.

Romans 10:9


No one is "saved" in this life. We aren't given salvation -- or not -- until we die and are judged.


You've recently asked six of these Qs about asking Jesus into your heart, and you choose as Best Answer those who say "Absolutely yes, you must ask Jesus into your heart". If you think that is a good way of getting a simplistic salvation message across, you are encouraging people NOT to think about HOW the Holy Spirit saves repentant sinners. He first has to act, convincing us of our awful sin before a holy, righteous God, and once He's done that work in our heart and mind, we get down on our knees and pray for Jesus to save us, because we then know that nothing we do can contribute to our salvation. It is all of God and all for His glory.

But this phrase, "Ask Jesus into my heart" misleads people into thinking it ultimately depends on their choice. They have to act and then God is bound to save them. Wrong. God has chosen from before creation those who He will save by pure grace, and it is those who fall on their knees in amazement that God would save them who become assured of God's salvation. Yet, somehow, I fear I will be wasting my time quoting the many scriptures in the Bible that prove all of that. You want a simplistic "Do this and you're saved" formula. You're welcome to it. I know the Bible exposes what's truly in our hearts first, before we can then receive Jesus by faith.


you're saved - go in peace

Alan H2021-04-06T09:20:39Z

He will turn away nobody who comes to,Him.
Then you will KNOW that you are saved.
You are in my prayers 

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