If white people are more privileged, how come they are more likely to commit suicide than most other races?


gee i'm white , thanks for a stroke and unable to work as no one employs  people who cant move the right arm and leg , guess i am pivileged !!! and i guess black lives matter !!!


Privilege is based on class, not race.  There are very poor of all races.  The media and progressives use the term "white privilege" to divide and conquer the people.


Just gonna point out that white privilege and suicide rates don’t have anything to do with each other. Then again, I’m white, so I don’t really get an opinion in this matter, do I?


The high suicide rate make the whole group of white people look cool and privileged compared to people from other races.


There is East Asian privilege in East Asian countries like China. There is Arab privilege in Arab countries, Black privilege in Nigeria ,etc. White privilege implies that White majority countries should not exist. White people must be displaced.

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