Do plumbers downgrade your fixtures?

The plumber installed new handles and they are the cheapest ones you can possibly get.  I paid them a lot of money so I thought I was going to get something similar or better than what I had.  Now I am stuck.  It is tub handles and would be too expensive in labor to have someone else come out and do it. 


They charged me $600.00.  I was expecting something nice for that price. I will not use them again. 

John Alden2021-04-07T12:05:52Z

There is no rule book. He did what he did. Perhaps there were no off the shelf replacements other than those, or maybe you should have specified.


Yes. Unless you specify what you want they will opt for the cheapest they can get and charge you the most they can. It is how they make a living.


You should have specified exactly what handles you wanted.  As it is, you asked them to install new handles and that's exactly what they did.

T C2021-04-07T02:04:36Z

If it's a fixture they will generally use a reputable brand as they need to warranty it.
With handles not much will go wrong with them and they may have used what they had on the truck ....and unfortunately you probably were charged a hefty mark-up.I wouldn't say that is typical of all plumbers...just depends on the person and the company.