What's the difference between religion and mythology?

I'd say just about a few thousand years. All beliefs seem to follow the same pattern. First they start out as cults, just a couple of crazy people with some wild ideas but no one really takes them seriously. Then if it survives long enough to be accepted within society it becomes a religion. After centuries of cultural appropriation, translations, denominations, eventually it grows into something unrecognizable, at least to its original followers. Where it is then decided if we as a society should abandon the belief all together, or simply call it by a different name. At this point it becomes a mythology. 

The process can take a millennium but it is an inevitability. With all the denominations within Christianity eventually the believers are gonna have to give up pretending like they know who's right. There will be so called "Christians" that don't even think Jesus was the son of God. Honestly I don't know how anyone can call themselves a Christian with a straight face these days knowing it's just a shell of its former self. Do they stand for anything positive anymore or is all just protesting gay marriage and abortion clinics? 


The difference between true religion and mythology is truth, which mythology lacks. Of course there are many false religions that also lack truth, and in that sense do resemble mythology.


Not very bright, are you.


Mythology is a corpus of stories and beliefs.

Religion, properly used, is a methodology for discovering truth, such as experiencing God for ourselves.

You really didn't think this through, pard.  Try again.


Nothing. They are the same fictional nonsense.


Depends upon the religion and the myth. 

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