How have we changed from the time we joined the YA community?

I reflect back from when I first posted here. Maybe when I started interacting with strangers online. I was a rightwinger, a little homophobic, SDA. Today I am bi and socialist and atheist. I wonder about the people I met.


To be honest, I haven't changed, I've just become more upset that I'll never be accepted within society because I'm black, despite never having been in trouble with the law and held down a professional job as a Social Worker for the past 25 years. Thanks, Y/A racists bigots for making me feel unwelcomed, and there are lots of you!


There was a process I went through, where I lost my Christian faith just before I joined, and regained it over the years that followed due partly to the thought I put into answering the questions on R&S.  This led to me rejoining the church and being able to hear God telling me that I should transition M2F, so it is connected to my queerness to some extent, and I have now done that. It wasn't the only influence though.